Orthopneic Position

Written by Amanda R. McDaniel, MS, BSN, RN
Amanda is a BSN/RN with a MS in Physiology and a BA in English. She worked as a medical writer in the pharmaceutical industry for 11 years before pursuing a career in nursing. She now works as a nurse on a NeuroTelemetry unit and continues to write and edit on a freelance basis. Amanda’s LinkedIn

Patients with respiratory illnesses such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) find ways to help themselves breathe more easily. This can include sleeping with extra pillows to keep them propped up or leaning forward to ease the work of breathing. The orthopneic position is one forward-leaning position used to help patients breathe comfortably when they are having difficulty.

Achieving Orthopneic Position

  1. Start with the patient in Fowler’s position with the body in proper alignment.
  2. Place the bedside table over the patient’s lap.
  3. Lay one to two pillows on the table. Place the patient’s arms on the pillows and have the patient lean forward onto their arms.
  4. This position can also be achieved if the patient is sitting in a chair by following steps two and three.
  5. Ask the patient if they are comfortable. Make adjustments as necessary.
  6. Document the position per institutional or unit policy. Report any difficulty getting the patient into position or maintaining position to the nurse per policy.


Activity and mobility. (2014). In A. G. Perry, P. A. Potter, and W. R. Ostendorf (Eds), Clinical nursing skills & techniques (8th ed., pp. 210-213). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier.

S. A. Sorrentino, & L. N. Remmert. (2012). Oxygen needs. In Mosby’s textbook for nursing assistants (8th ed., pp 620). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.

More Resources

Measuring the Radial Pulse

The radial artery, located in the wrist, is easy to feel and an efficient location to measure heart rate. Changes to the rhythm or strength of the radial pulse can indicate heart disease, damage to the arm, or body fluid status. It is important to remember to check the radial pulse on both sides as differences between left and right can indicate injury or disease processes.

Sim’s Position

The position a patient is placed in is often ordered by the physician, or recommended by a speech, occupational, or physical therapist. The position dictates whether a patient is sitting, lying, standing; or if they are on their side, back, or prone (face-down). Positioning is also determined by the patient’s current needs, such as: Are they eating? Sleeping? Having surgery on their back? Are they receiving nutrition through a nasogastric tube?

Logrolling the Resident

Logrolling is a technique used to roll a resident onto their side without the resident helping, and while keeping the resident’s spine in a straight line. This is especially important for residents who have had spinal surgery or injury.

Performing Ostomy Care

Residents who have had a portion of their intestines removed due to illness or trauma may have a temporary or permanent ostomy, which is an opening in the abdomen that is created for the elimination of urine or feces. The portion of the intestine that is connected to the abdominal wall and is visible is called the stoma. A pouch is placed over the stoma to collect feces.

Performing the Heimlich Maneuver

The Heimlich Maneuver, also known as abdominal thrusts, is used to remove an object that is blocking a resident’s airway and preventing air from reaching the lungs. It only takes four to six minutes for brain damage to occur from lack of oxygen, so prompt action is vital.

Removing Personal Protective Equipment

It is important to follow the correct procedure while removing personal protective equipment to avoid contaminating your skin or clothing. The most common source of contamination in this process stems from improper removal of gloves. Gloves are often the most soiled piece of equipment. To avoid contaminating your skin or the other equipment worn, gloves should always be removed first. Then remove the goggles, gown, and mask, in that order.