Perineal Care of the Female Resident

Written by Hollie Finders, RN
Hollie Finders is a registered nurse with years of experience working in the health care field. She has degrees in both biochemistry and nursing. After working with patients of all ages, Hollie now specializes in pediatric intensive care nursing. Hollie’s LinkedIn

Perineal Care Procedure

Equipment needed: gloves, washbasin, soap, washcloths, bath towel, waterproof pad, and soiled laundry bag.

  1. Perform hand hygiene and put on gloves.
  2. Explain the procedure to the patient and ask for their assistance in following directions. Provide privacy.
  3. Raise the bed to a comfortable working height.
  4. Fill a basin with warm water. Ensure the water is a comfortable temperature.
  5. Assist the resident in spreading her legs.
  6. Gently clean around the perineal area, including the inner thighs and outside the labia.
  7. With one hand, separate the labia.
  8. With the other hand, wipe down the center of the inner labia with a soapy washcloth. Only wipe in a front to back motion.
  9. Using a clean area of the washcloth for each stroke, wipe from front to back on both sides of the vulva.
  10. Rinse the entire area with a clean washcloth. Pat dry with a bath towel.
  11. Assist the patient onto her side to expose the buttocks.
  12. Wash the buttocks and the anal area using the same front to back technique. Rinse and pat dry.
  13. If needed, change the linens and/or place a clean waterproof pad underneath the patient.
  14. Assist the resident into a comfortable position and lower the bed.
  15. Place all used washcloths, towels, and linens into a soiled laundry bag.
  16. Dispose of the water and clean the washbasin.
  17. Remove gloves and perform hand hygiene.
  18. Document the procedure in the patient’s chart and report any changes in the patient’s condition to the nurse.

Important Information

Perineal care should be performed during a bath, after using the bedpan, and/or after incontinence. Proper technique is important for maintaining hygiene, preventing infection, and avoiding skin breakdown. Because of the close proximity between a woman’s urethra, vagina, and anus, it is essential to only wipe in a front to back motion. Wiping in the opposite direction is associated with a greater risk for developing a urinary tract infection [1].

It is important to be respectful and professional when providing this care. Many patients find this procedure awkward and uncomfortable. If a patient is able to perform this care independently, then allow them to do so and provide them with privacy.

By: Hollie Finders RN



More Resources

Passive Range of Motion Exercises

Range of motion exercises are used to help prevent or decrease contractures, improve flexibility of joints, and improve strength [1]. Bedridden patients as well as those with reduced mobility may greatly benefit from passive range of motion exercises. However, do not perform these exercises without an order to do so, as it may be contraindicated in certain situations.

Measuring the Radial Pulse

The radial artery, located in the wrist, is easy to feel and an efficient location to measure heart rate. Changes to the rhythm or strength of the radial pulse can indicate heart disease, damage to the arm, or body fluid status. It is important to remember to check the radial pulse on both sides as differences between left and right can indicate injury or disease processes.

Indwelling Catheter Care

Indwelling catheters allow urine to drain from the bladder. They are used when residents are unable to urinate on their own or when the process of cleaning the resident after urination would be difficult for the resident to tolerate (such as during end of life care). Caring for the catheter appropriately is a vital part of preventing infection and skin breakdown.

Applying Elastic Support Hose

Elastic stockings are worn to prevent deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and reduce the pooling of blood in vessels. Many hospitals and care facilities use elastic stockings in patients with reduced mobility, such as surgical patients and/or the elderly. There are a few risks in wearing elastic stockings; however, these risks can be prevented with proper application and care.

Measuring the Apical Pulse

The apical pulse rate is the most accurate non-invasive measurement of heart rate because it is measured directly over the apex of the heart. Apical pulse is preferred in cases when the radial pulse is difficult to palpate, when the pulse is irregular, greater than 100 beats per minute, or less than 60 beats per minute when measured by other means (electronic, radial, etc.).

Collecting a Stool Specimen

Stool specimens are collected to test for a variety of disorders from colon cancer to parasites. While it is not the most pleasant job, it is important that the collection is done correctly for accurate results.