Sonography Programs in Louisiana

Sonography in Louisiana – Training to Become a Technologist in Sonography in Louisiana

Sonographers, or diagnostic medical sonographers, use ultrasound equipment to flood areas of the body with sound waves, creating imaging that is used for diagnosis and monitoring of conditions. These non-invasive procedures can be called sonograms, ultrasounds, or echocardiograms. Licensing in sonography in Louisiana is not technically required, although many employees prefer that applicants be certified by the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS). Becoming a Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer through ARDMS is based on your education and experience, with the specific requirements relative to the training program you complete. It is important to choose an accredited program for your training if you want to be certified.

There are sonography programs in Louisiana that yield a certificate in one year or less, but the much more common route into the field is through the earning of an associate’s degree in sonography. This is a small amount of schooling, when compared to other roles in the medical profession, especially for a job that has such a promising future. The job opening growth is expected to increase by forty-four percent by 2020. This is dramatically larger than the average increase across all occupations, which is fourteen percent. Studying sonography in Louisiana is a smart way to ensure a good living after an associate’s degree.

The median annual wages for sonographers in the United States is $64,380, with sonography in Louisiana paying slightly less than the national average. Statistically, outpatient care centers offer the highest annual wages, physician offices and hospital are right at the median wage, and medical and diagnostic labs offer a slightly lower annual salary. Sonography programs in Louisiana are available through Delgado Community College, Louisiana State University at Eunice, Unitech Training Academy, and more.

After you have received training in sonography in Louisiana and passed the certification exam, it is time to apply for the sonographer positions you really want. A sonographer is a vital part of the diagnostic and monitoring team. There are many instances where radiology imaging is neither safe nor ideal. A sonography technologist offers physicians the ability to make a more accurate diagnosis, put the patient’s mind at ease, accurately prescribe treatment plans, and monitor existing conditions. Louisiana sonography positions are more plentiful in Houma, Bossier City, Lafayette, New Orleans, Shreveport, and other metro areas, but they are available throughout the state. With a little training and hard work, a sonographer can earn a good annual wage while pursuing a fulfilling and highly necessary job.

Sonography Schools Near You & Online in Louisiana

Louisiana State University

  • 2048 Johnson Hwy Eunice, LA 70535
    Programs: ADN, Radiography, RN, Sonography
    (337) 457-7311