
Northern Neck/Middle Peninsula Area Agency on Aging, Inc.

(804) 693-6109
Middle Peninsula
Urbanna, VA 23061

Healthcare Education Programs at Northern Neck/Middle Peninsula Area Agency on Aging, Inc. in Urbanna, VA

The Northern Neck/Middle Peninsula Area Agency on Aging, Inc. (NNMPAAA) in Urbanna, VA, offers a variety of healthcare education programs aimed at improving the well-being of senior citizens in the community. These programs are designed to equip seniors and their caregivers with the knowledge and skills they need to maintain a healthy lifestyle, manage chronic conditions, and navigate the complexities of the healthcare system. Here are some key healthcare education programs offered:

Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP)

The Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) is a workshop series designed for individuals with chronic health conditions. The program covers topics essential for managing chronic diseases, including:

  • Techniques to handle fatigue, pain, and isolation
  • Appropriate exercise for maintaining and improving strength, flexibility, and endurance
  • Medication management
  • Communicating effectively with healthcare professionals
  • Healthy eating
  • Decision-making skills
  • Goal setting and problem-solving

This interactive program spans six weeks and offers participants peer support and practical strategies for enhancing their quality of life.

Diabetes Self-Management Program (DSMP)

The Diabetes Self-Management Program (DSMP) is tailored specifically for individuals with diabetes, providing them with tools and resources to manage their condition effectively. The program focuses on:

  • Monitoring blood sugar levels
  • Meal planning and proper nutrition
  • Exercise and physical activity
  • Preventing or delaying complications
  • Problem-solving and coping strategies

Participants engage in group discussions, receive educational materials, and develop personalized plans to manage their diabetes.

Matter of Balance

Matter of Balance is a program designed to reduce the fear of falling and increase activity levels among older adults. The program incorporates practical strategies to manage falls and increase confidence. Core aspects of the program include:

  • Understanding the fear of falling and how it affects activity levels
  • Setting realistic goals for increasing activity
  • Changing the home environment to reduce fall risks
  • Simple exercises to increase strength and balance

Through group discussions, problem-solving activities, and physical exercises, the program helps seniors improve their balance and prevent falls.

Caregiver Support and Training

NNMPAAA offers extensive support and training for caregivers, providing them with the knowledge and skills needed to care for their loved ones. This includes:

  • Understanding caregiving challenges and resources
  • Managing caregiving responsibilities.
  • Effective communication techniques
  • Stress management and self-care

These training sessions are designed to empower caregivers, offering them the support and information they need to perform their roles effectively.

Get Started Today

The healthcare education programs at Northern Neck/Middle Peninsula Area Agency on Aging, Inc. are vital resources for seniors and their caregivers aiming to lead healthier, more independent lives. For more information on how to enroll in these programs, contact the agency directly. Take the first step towards better health and wellness by participating in these valuable educational opportunities.

Programs Offered:

  • CNA