
Future Nurse: Medical Games for Kids

Educational games can help anyone build an academic foundation in any specific subject, such as math, language arts, science, health and physical fitness. Online learning games offer a fun learning experience, and can strengthen practical skills for all students. More importantly, most interactive games, trivia, and quizzes offered online do not require a fee. Using these games can improve concentration, motivation, attention, and ultimately lead to better grades and a better overall understanding of many different subjects.

Anatomy: How Our Bodies Function

  • Anatomy Arcade: An interactive gaming interface that makes the human anatomy come alive.
  • Science: Human Body and Mind: A BBC-sponsored interactive game that tests kids on the basic functions of human organs.
  • Human Tissues: Quia offers interactive study materials, such as flash cards, matching games, word searches, and concentration exercises, to help students understand the basic concepts of human tissues.
  • Human Nervous System: A series of study materials, including flash cards, matching games, word searches, and concentration games, offered to help students learn about the complex inner-workings of the human nervous system.
  • Neuroscience for Kids: A list of brain games to help kids fine tune to their IQ.
  • Muscle Up: Quia offers flash cards, matching games, concentration exercises, and word search activities for students wanting to learn more about individual muscle groups.

All About Human Blood

  • Blood Type Game: A challenging, interactive game that involves matching the correct blood type of a donor to a recipient. Each round has a set amount of matches under a decreasing amount of time to impose a greater challenge for the test-taker.
  • Healthy Sleep Games and Puzzles: An additional blood matching game that involves life and death scenarios where the test-taker must correctly match blood types or else that patient dies.

Nutrition and Substance Abuse

  • Surgery of the Future (iOS & Android): An interactive, animated game show that helps kids test their knowledge about human teeth, including why they are important and what can be done to keep them healthy.
  • Kids Skin Health: An animated platform offering kids multiple choices to learn about human skin, hair, and nails. Each selection offers interactive games, question and answer format, quick facts, and dictionary to help assist in the learning process.
  • Braille Bug: An online gaming selection offering non-flash version’s of matching games, coloring pages, mazes, and memory games.
  • Blast Off Game (Flash): An interactive game where kids can “fuel” their “rocket” with the right nutritional food choices and physical activities.
  • Food Detectives (Flash Required): A Flash-based interactive tutorial helping kids distinguish between dirty and clean dishes, fresh and rotting food, and what foods are good to eat without cooking them first.
  • Health for Kids Interactive Games: The Department of Agriculture sponsored this interactive tutorial to combat food poisoning by educating kids on the dangers of bacteria. The kids must answer a series of questions to “ride along” in their virtual car.
  • BAM!: “Ask a Scientist” Comic Series: The Center for Disease Control and Prevention introduced this game to kids in order to learn the importance of genetics, nutrition, diseases, and the physical activity involved to achieving good health.
  • The Scrub Club: An interactive gaming archive for kids to learn the importance of proper cleaning to avoid cross contamination, food poisoning, mold growth, and to promote overall good hygiene.
  • Germinator Game (Flash required): An interactive website offering a variety of games, quizzes, fun activities, recipes, and free stuff for students wanting to learn more about human bones.
  • Printable Healthy Nutrition Puzzles: The Chicken Farm Game, an award winning interactive gaming interface, is based on the findings of Christian Eijkman, a nutritionist who discovered the concept of vitamins and their impact on our health.
  • Test Your Knowledge: A Flash-based gaming interface that teaches teenagers about the dangers behind drugs and alcohol, and how it affects the human body and mind.
  • Games: Drug Use and Effects: This helps educates students on the various parts of the body and the effects of drugs.
  • HHMI Biointeractive: An interactive, fun tutorial teaching kids about the various aspects of health, including eating the proper foods, cleaning for better air, watching out for dangerous animals, and how to identify insects.
  • Time for Bed?: A first-person interactive game that allows kids to snoop around a virtual kitchen and make the right nutritional choices.

Diseases and Prevention

  • Split Brain Exercises (Requires Flash Installed): A series of interactive games to help kids develop both right and left hemispheres.
  • Healthy Foods Word Search Puzzle: The Immune System Defender teaches kids how the human body defends itself from foreign intruders, including bacteria, microbes, toxic substances, and other harmful elements.
  • Health Games: This interactive game educates students on the benefits behind an MRI scanner and how it can catch early and latter stages of terminal diseases.
  • Sleep Disorders: An assortment of games, quizzes, and puzzles to teach and test kids on their knowledge on the importance of sleep and how it affects our overall health.
  • Online Doctor and Nurse Games: A categorical educational center for kids to explore the importance of safety equipment and how it can prevent traumatic injuries.
  • Disaster Master: A Flash-based interactive gaming interface that teaches kids about the pioneers in the study of tuberculosis and how their experiments and interventions helped the ill recover.
  • Doctor Games and Activities: An interactive game that allows students to keep the virtual person protected from mosquito bites, essentially preventing the infection of malaria.
  • Stinging Insect Match Game: This multiple choice game helps students identify common insects that may cause poisonous stings or infection.
  • The Electrocardiogram (Flash required): An interactive simulation of patients undergoing an ECG to evaluate their heart for potential cardiovascular problems.
  • Abdominal Pain Game: A user-guided tutorial that helps kids understand the importance of fire safety and how proper prevention can help save their lives. This website also includes: games, coloring pages, word search, “hazard house,” and various other matching games.
  • Games/Activities to know about Air Pollution: An interactive chart that teaches kids the importance of the overall air quality and how it affects their health if exposed to pollution for long periods of time.
  • WaterSense for Kids: A Flash-based game that teaches kids to drink clean, sterile water in order to avoid getting sick and transmitting diseases.
  • Neuroscience for Kids: An interactive website that allows kids to play a superhero named “Captain Chemo,” who saves the lives of terminally-ill cancer patients.
  • Drug Use and Effects: The American Brain Tumor Association offers kid-friendly information about brain tumors, including brain games, word puzzles, crossword puzzles, and word scrambles.
  • The Cancer Game: A side-scrolling, arcade-style, cancer fighting game for kids.
  • Flow of Blood Through the Heart: Cartoon-based lessons to help kids understand the basic science behind a variety of cancers.

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