BSN Programs in Arizona

Arizona BSN Programs – A Variety of Career Options

Most people who consider enrolling in BSN programs in Arizona have one thing in common – a desire to help their fellow man. While that’s possible in every aspect of the health care field, obtaining a BSN can provide a wealth of career options that aren’t normally available to those with an RN or LPN degree. In fact, a look through the available job openings in the nursing field will find that the majority of available positions actually prefer a BSN over any other degree. While you can still fill the role of the bedside nurse with this degree, holding a BSN will allow you to consider other careers as well.

It’s true that many nursing positions are available and frequently filled by people with a lesser degree, but some positions require you to graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in order to qualify for the job. A midwife, for example, will need to have graduated from a BSN program in order to obtain that position. Other jobs available to you after graduating from one of the BSN programs in Arizona include a nurse anesthetist or even a clinical nurse specialist. There are many specializations you can take, as well. Many nurses elect to specialize on a certain illness or organ. You can also elect to focus on one specific type of patient, like the elderly or children.

Higher pay comes with higher education, and the jobs held by those who have finished BSN programs in Arizona offer better pay than those who have only attained an RN status. But there is another benefit to obtaining your BSN in addition to higher pay and better positions such as head nurse. You’ll be well on your way towards furthering your career even more. Since earning a Doctorate requires years of hard work and dedication, you can help the process by enrolling in a BSN to Doctorate program. Over fifty of these programs exist throughout the country, and earning a BSN in nursing will put you far closer to the highest level of education possible in your field.

Although there are over two million nurses currently in America, there is still a massive shortage. Hospitals across the country are hiring nurses of all kinds regularly and offering very competitive pay to them. Enrolling in BSN programs in Arizona is a great way not only to secure a great job with great pay, but also to secure your future. Advancement opportunities and continuing education are always available following your graduation, and you’ll be more satisfied in your position than you ever imagined. The two extra years of education will pay off and leave you with the brightest future possible.

BSN Schools Near You & Online in Arizona

Northern Arizona University

  • South San Francisco Street Flagstaff, AZ 86011
    Programs: Accelerated BSN, BSN, Family Nurse Practitioner, Public Health Nursing, RN, RN to BSN
    (928) 523-9011

Arizona State University

  • 411 N. Central Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85004
    Programs: BSN, BSN to DNP, DNP, Nursing Administration, Nursing PhD, RN, RN to BSN, RN to MSN
    (602) 496-4636

Grand Canyon University

  • 3300 W. Camelback Road Phoenix, AZ 85017
    Programs: BSN, Family Nurse Practitioner, Nursing Administration, RN, RN to BSN, RN to MSN
    (602) 639-7500

University of Phoenix

  • 3201 E Elwood St. Phoenix, AZ 85034
    Programs: BSN, LPN to BSN, Nursing PhD, RN, RN to BSN
    (602) 454-1390

Arizona State University

  • 1151 Forest Ave & E University Dr. Tempe, AZ 85281
    Programs: BSN, DNP, Nursing Administration, RN, RN to BSN, RN to MSN
    (480) 965-8744

University of Arizona

  • 1010 North Highland Avenue Tucson, AZ 85721
    Programs: Accelerated BSN, BSN, BSN to DNP, DNP, MSN, Nursing PhD, RN
    (520) 887-9451