RN to MSN Programs in Kansas

RN to MSN Programs in Kansas

Are you ready to look for RN to MSN Programs in Kansas? If so, you are likely already a practicing RN. You might have been working for several years in that capacity. But, in order to take the next step, you need to step back a minute. When you get an MS in Nursing, you are committing to a specialization. You need to know where you want your career path to take you. Are you interested in nursing administration? Do you want to teach nursing? Do you want to become a nursing clinical specialist? These are just a few of the options available. And the program you select needs to take you on the path you desire.

Selecting the right nursing program is critical. When looking at RN to MSN Programs in Kansas, you need to think about what direction you want to take your career. At this level of education, specialization is the key to each program. You can find schools within Kansas offering MSN programs focused on health care education, family nurse practitioner, nursing administration, nurse anesthesia, healthcare informatics, nurse midwifery, public health nursing, mental health nurse practitioner, and other areas of specialization. The choices you make here can take your career in different directions. Choose your MSN program based on your interests for the next few years. A wise selection can take you far.

All the RN to MSN Programs in Kansas has their own unique set of classes they expect students to take. But, to get an idea of what a student may face, let’s look at a typical line up of classes for a nurse practitioner. A student can expect to take classes in health care research, professionalism, and theories of practice along with other MSN students. Outside those core classes, a nurse practitioner will also take classes in advanced physiology, health promotion, advanced health assessment, applied drug theory, and primary care theory. These classes work to prepare the nursing student to take on more responsibilities.

So, how can you select the RN to MSN Programs in Kansas that provides the training you need in the specialization you want? You can spend hours on the internet requesting information from different schools. You can blindly select a program at the nearest school, whether it matches your needs or not. The smart move, however, would be to let us help you begin the search. With just a bit of information, we can start helping you gather data about the schools that meet your educational and career needs.

RN to MSN Schools Near You & Online in Kansas

Pittsburg State University

  • 1701 South Broadway Pittsburg, KS 66762
    Programs: BSN, RN, RN to BSN, RN to MSN
    (620) 231-7000

University of Kansas

  • 1501 South Joplin Street Pittsburg, KS 66762
    Programs: DNP, Nurse Anesthetist, Physician Assistant, RN to BSN, RN to MSN
    (620) 235-4040

Wichita State University

  • 1845 Fairmount St. Wichita, KS 67260
    Programs: Accelerated BSN, BSN, BSN to DNP, DNP, LPN to BSN, Physician Assistant, RN, RN to BSN, RN to MSN
    (316) 978-3456