
Florida CNA Salary - How Much Do CNAs Make in FL?

CNA salary in Florida

The CNA salary in Florida is extremely important to companies who want to hire new CNAs and to those who are thinking about becoming CNAs. Florida is known for having a high population of senior citizens and as these people age, many of them need help with things such as cooking or trips to the store or activities like getting dressed or bathing. A CNA is vital to the support of patients whether they live at home or in group settings. CNAs are often considered to be the most important part of the healthcare field because they are the ones who spend the most time with a patient.

The range of CNA salary in Florida is from around $20,000 to around $25,000 per year. There are some people who decided to be a CNA to get into healthcare so that they can then move on to positions such as licensed practical nursing or medical assisting. Once they begin work however, many decide that they are going to remain a CNA because they simply love the job. Many CNAs, especially those who work in nursing facilities such as nursing homes, feel that their patients are like their family and often develop close friendships with them. This is usually considered to offset any low paying salaries and most CNAs are happy with their salary.

The CNA salary in Florida is affected by a lot of things. Entry-level CNAs who have less than a year of experience will always make less than a CNA who has several years of experience. This is no different than any other job. Those with less than two years experience are usually recent graduates of CNA training programs, which may be run by a school or by a hospital or nursing home. It is important that all training programs have hands-on experience but this experience is usually not a consideration for employment.

Employers look for CNAs who have more experience and that experience allows a CNA to command a higher paying job. The CNA salary in Florida is not just based on experience and money. Many CNAs are able to have a week of paid vacation every year and some employers allow this to be saved up year after year. Some CNAs are also allowed to have paid sick days. Insurance is also considered to be a benefit and is usually offered through the employer. The most attractive benefits are normally with hospitals and government jobs.