Maryland CNA Salary - How Much Do CNAs Make in MD?
CNA salary in Maryland
With the job market as poor as it is, many people have been considering a career change. Healthcare is the one field that is guaranteed to continue to grow and many people know that there is a need for skilled healthcare workers. The CNA salary in Maryland rewards many of those who have chosen to be certified nursing assistants (CNAs) in Maryland. Depending on such things as the location of the job, the experience of the CNA, and the employer a CNA can expect to make anywhere from $22,000 to $31,000 a year.
Experience and employers go hand in hand where the CNA salary in Maryland is concerned. The more experience a CNA has the more attractive they are to employers. Some employers offer on the job training but they usually have a high rate of turnover because employees leave once certified. So they pay employees less to start but it gives a CNA the experience they need. Experienced CNAs can work in nearly any area they want to and can enjoy not only a higher salary but also higher benefits such as paid sick days and paid vacations. Employers who offer high salaries prefer CNAs who are already experienced.
Working in an area that is considered to be a high need area can actually earn a higher CNA salary in Maryland. Some clinics and hospitals are in areas where there is a shortage of healthcare workers and they offer more for those who will work there. As a general rule however, those who live in urban areas make more than those who live in suburban or rural areas, with those working in the rural areas making the least. The reason is because it costs less to live in rural areas so the pay reflects that cost of living.
A CNA salary in Maryland can also depend on the CNA themselves. A CNA who works for an employer who gave them their certification can expect to earn more as time goes on and to be able to expect more benefits. CNAs who already have experience can either choose to work for employers who pay more or they can choose to find private clients themselves. This is self employment and it allows a CNA to set their own wages and work directly with their patients. Others prefer to work on a contract for an employer such as a nursing home or home health agency.