Phlebotomy Programs in Alaska

How to Become a Phlebotomy in Alaska and Phlebotomy Programs in Alaska

Phlebotomists are responsible for drawing blood in a variety of laboratory and clinical settings. Phlebotomists also manage the collection areas, keep records, and perform basic maintenance tasks with equipment. The requirements for a career in phlebotomy are a high school diploma or equivalent and some form of training in this area. This can occasionally be obtained on the job, but it is often easier to complete an organized training program instead. There are many different training and certificate programs that students can pursue in Alaska. Most take less than a year to complete and include only two or three classes.

Phlebotomy training programs are offered by the following schools and training institutes in the state of Alaska:* The University of Alaska Fairbanks* The University of Alaska Anchorage* AK STAR Training Institute* Alaska Career CollegeThese programs cover all aspects of phlebotomy including proper procedures for drawing blood, handling specimens, and phlebotomy practicum. Phlebotomy programs typically provide students with six to nine college credit hours. Certification is provided upon completion. Students who successfully complete one of these programs are prepared for the national certification examination for phlebotomy technicians offered by the American Society for Clinical Pathologists (ASCP).

Phlebotomy programs have some unique admission requirements. Programs typically require a high school diploma or equivalent for admission. Students must also provide proof of medical insurance and vaccination records. Required immunizations include measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, tetanus, tuberculosis, and chickenpox. Phlebotomy students typically practice on one another, so it’s important that students are healthy. The University of Alaska Anchorage program also performs a background check and requires that students pass a computer competency exam. Programs can typically be completed in 6 months to a year. Many phlebotomy students are able to pursue weekend courses that fit around a full time job.

In the state of Alaska, phlebotomists are not required to carry certification. Therefore, in some circumstances, individuals may be able to pursue this career without a formal training program or certification. In these rare instances, students are typically required to have two or more years of practical experience with phlebotomy. An example may be a student who has a nursing degree or the equivalent. The typical hourly wage for a phlebotomist in Alaska is between $12.50 and $29.09 with the mean falling at $18.90. Understanding how to become a phlebotomy in Alaska and phlebotomy programs in Alaska will get you started on this exciting career path.

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