Phlebotomy Programs in New Mexico

How to Become a Phlebotomy in New Mexico – Phlebotomy Programs in New Mexico

When you go in for a doctor’s appointment and the doctor tells you that you need to have some lab tests run, you will see a phlebotomist. The phlebotomist is the person who collects various bodily fluids to test and analyze to check for any health problems or to determine what is causing your symptoms. Some simply take your blood and collect urine specimens, but others not only collect the specimens, but also run the tests to get the findings and then report them back to the doctor. Your specific duties as a phlebotomist will vary depending on who you work for because different employers have different needs.

In New Mexico, if you want to become a phlebotomist, you usually have to get a bachelor’s degree in the field. Some employers will take an associate’s degree, but many want candidates who have gone to school for four years and have some field experience through the practicum component. You can find these programs at various colleges and universities scattered throughout New Mexico. After you finish your education, you need to get certified and licensed. Not all states or employers require this, but it is a good idea and will set you apart from all of the other applicants for the phlebotomist positions you apply for.

Depending on the amount of responsibilities you have in your position as a phlebotomist, you can make an average of $48,000 a year. This number will be more or less, it just depends on who you work for and where you are working. Naturally, the fewer responsibilities you have in your job, the less money you will make. But it will not be that much less, because it can still be a very demanding job that needs a lot of your attention and focus.

The field of phlebotomy is well suited for those who enjoy science as there will be a lot of science involved in your work. You need to also be a people person and able to help alleviate some of the anxiety that people feel when they have to give blood for lab tests. If you are not personable with them, it will make your job that much more difficult because they will not be so willing to allow you to stick them with a needle. This is especially true if you are working in pediatrics. The phlebotomist who works in pediatrics must be really good with children in order to see their workday go smoothly.

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