Phlebotomy Programs in Rhode Island

How to Become a Phlebotomist in Rhode Island and Phlebotomy Programs in Rhode Island

If you’re looking for information about how to become a Phlebotomist in Rhode Island and phlebotomy programs in Rhode Island, you should start by learning about what these professionals do. Phlebotomy is a very specific healthcare field. Phlebotomists are responsible for drawing blood from patients for diagnostic testing. There are many different conditions that can be detected through bloodwork. When your physician orders this type of testing, you’ll probably be sent to a phlebotomist. This individual will draw your blood into one or more vials and take them to the lab for testing. Most venipunctures are standard needle pricks in the arm.

As a phlebotomist, the most important thing to know is how to find a good vein, prepare it, and perform a venipuncture where the vein is punctured with the needle to draw blood. Sanitation is extremely important for a phlebotomist so there is no cross contamination of the samples. The puncture site must also be prepared carefully beforehand and bandaged afterwards. In some cases, phlebotomists will need to take blood in a different manner, such as with a heel prick for an infant or a finger prick for a very small sample, as with blood sugar testing. It’s important to understand all the different options.

Training to become a phlebotomist doesn’t take nearly as long as other healthcare professions. Phlebotomy training programs can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. There are several options in Rhode Island. Among these are the five-month phlebotomy technician training from Branston Alternate Education Programs and the two-semester phlebotomy certificate from the Community College of Rhode Island. These programs include both classroom and clinical training. Students must complete 100 successful venipunctures to graduate from one of these programs and be qualified to become a practicing phlebotomist. Students are typically required to have medical insurance and current vaccinations to participate.

Phlebotomists can work in many different settings including hospitals and physicians’ offices. Offices where blood work is regularly performed, such as obstetricians’ offices, often employ their own phlebotomists in a small lab on the premises. In addition to drawing blood, phlebotomists will also maintain the lab and process paperwork. When collecting data on phlebotomists, the Bureau of Labor Statistics groups phlebotomists with other professions under the heading of health technologists and technicians. In Rhode Island, the mean annual salary for all health technologists and technicians is $48,900, or about $23.51 a year. A career as a phlebotomist can be a great way to get started in healthcare.

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