
Illinois LPN Salary - How Much Do LPNs Make in IL?

According to BLS data, there are about 738,400 LPNs working in the United States. As of May or 2018, 22,090 of these professionals were employed in the state of Illinois, about half of which were employed in the Greater Chicago area. The average salary of an LPN in the state of Illinois is higher than the nationwide average. According to 2018 data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average LPN salary in Illinois was $43,880. In the United States, the national average salary for this occupation is $41,540. The cost of living in Illinois is reported to be about 4.4 percent below the national average, though some areas do cost significantly more.

There is some variation in LPN salaries, even within the state. Individuals who have recently graduated from LPN program can expect to earn slightly less, with salaries increasing as they gain experience in the healthcare industry. Starting salary will vary depending on who the employer and location within the state. In 2018, LPN salaries in Illinois ranged from below $30,860 to above $58,270.

The Champaign-Urbana area has the highest average LPN salary in the state of Illinois. This area employed 560 LPNs at an average annual salary of $47,420. Salaries here ranged from below $29,170 to above $57,120. The cost of living in this area, according to Forbes, is nearly 11 percent below the national average. This might be a great area in which to work as an LPN in this state.

The South Illinois nonmetropolitan area had the lowest average LPN salary in the state. This area encompasses 20 counties in the southern part of the state. In 2018, this area employed 1,010 LPNs at an average annual salary of $35,510. Salaries in this area ranged from below $26,730 to above $45,240.

