
Maine LPN Salary - How Much Do LPNs Make in ME?

LPN Salary in Maine – A Look at the LPN Salary in Maine

Maine, like many other states in the United States, is facing a healthcare crisis. There is a high demand for trained LPNs, but not enough individuals with the knowledge, experience or expertise to fill those positions. In an effort to meet this statewide demand, and relieve the healthcare crisis many employers and schools are trying to entice individuals to consider becoming an LPN. If you are considering becoming an LPN in the state of Maine, here is everything you need to know such as where you go to become one, what the average LPN salary in Maine is, and what job opportunities you will have. This information should be able to help you make a decision on pursuing a career as an LPN.

The average LPN salary in Maine is $46,000. This is right around the average nationwide salary for an LPN. An LPN salary will vary greatly depending upon who their employer is, what shifts they work, and how much experience they have in the healthcare industry. Individuals who are just starting their career as an LPN can expect to make anywhere from $23,000 to $30,000. Individuals who had previous experience in the healthcare industry will often start out making more than those who have had little or no experience.

In the state of Maine there is only one community college or vocational school that offers an LPN course or program. The Central Maine Community College in Auburn, Maine offers the only LPN course or program in the state. Some online colleges and universities such as Kaplan or the University of Phoenix also offer LPN courses. Some individuals who lived in the state of Maine will consider heading out of state to attend a local LPN course, and come back to Maine to obtain their LPN certificate. However, some employers based out of Maine will offer individuals a salary that is higher than the average LPN salary in Maine, if they attended a program in Maine.

There are many job opportunities for individuals who hold an LPN certificate from an accredited community college or vocational school. LPNs can work at community healthcare clinics, emergency rooms, urgent care centers, or in private practices. The salary of an LPN will vary depending upon which area of the healthcare industry a person chooses to work. However, many of these positions such as an urgent care center, emergency room, or private practice will offer individuals a salary that is higher than the average LPN salary in Maine.