
Georgia RN Salary - How Much Do RNs Make in GA?

The state of Georgia employed approximately 66,080 registered nurses as of May 2018, according to data provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The average RN salary in Georgia at that time was $61,950. This equates to about $29.79 per hour. Georgia RNs with earnings in the top tenth percentile made more than $79,270. Those with earnings in the bottom tenth percentile made less than $43,660. Though this is less than the average salary for RNs nationwide, the cost of living in Georgia is below than the national average.

According to BLS statistics, the Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Marietta area of Georgia employs a majority of the state’s RNs. This part of the state employed approximately 33,420 registered nurses as of May 2018. This is more than half of the RNs in Georgia. This area also has the highest median salary for registered nurses in the state. At the time of the report, the average annual salary here was $65,250, or about $31.37 per hour. Salaries in this area ranged from under $47,820 to above $82,310. According to the state of Georgia, the cost of living in Atlanta is about six percent below the national average. As of January 2014, the unemployment rate in Georgia was seven percent. Nationally, the outlook for registered nursing jobs is expected to be very favorable from 2012 to 2022, with a projected growth of 19%. Nurses with the highest levels of experience and education will be able to snag the best jobs and command salaries at the higher end of the field. Additional certifications will make it easier to earn a higher RN salary in Georgia as well.

