
West Virginia RN Salary - How Much Do RNs Make in WV?

West Virginia employed 18,440 registered nurses according to May 2018 data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The average annual RN salary in West Virginia at that time was $55,240. Registered nurses with earnings in the 90th percentile made more than $74,820 per year. Those with earnings in the 75th percentile earned over $64,720. RNs with salaries in the 25th percentile made less than $45,130, and those in the tenth percentile earned less than $38,920. Though RN salaries in this state are generally lower than the national average, the cost of living in this state is lower as well.

The Huntington-Ashland area of West Virginia employed the highest number of registered nurses in the state. This area employed 4,220 RNs at an average annual salary of $53,160. Charleston employed the second highest number of nurses in the state at the time when the BLS data was collected. There were 3,850 registered nurses employed in this city with an average annual salary of $54,860. This was also the metropolitan area with the highest average salary in the state, with the exception of the Hagerstown-Martinsburg, Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, and Cumberland areas of Maryland and DC which all encompass part of West Virginia.

The Wheeling area of West Virginia, which also includes parts of Ohio, had the lowest average RN salary in West Virginia. This part of the state employs 1,830 registered nurses in 2018. The average annual salary here was $49,770. Those with earnings in the 90th percentile made $67,400 or more, and the 75th percentile made more than $57,160. Registered nurses in the 25th percentile earned less than $40,980, and those in the 10th percentile made under $34,250.