Washington RN Salary - How Much Do RNs Make in WA?
The state of Washington employed 53,060 registered nurses as of May 2018, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The average RN salary in Washington at that time was $76,420. This is significantly higher than the national average of $65,470. Though this is true, the cost of living is not especially high in Washington. The cost of living in this state is about two percent higher than the national average, though it is much higher in some areas.
RNs in the state of Washington are paid a range of salaries. There are many factors that influence salary, including experience and education. Those with salaries in the 90th percentile, or the ten percent of registered nurses with the highest salaries, earned $106,410 or more in 2018. Those in the 75th percentile earned $90,620 or more. Those in the 25th percentile earned $62,970 or less, and those in the tenth percentile earned $51,780 or less.
The area with the highest average RN salary in Washington is the Seattle-Bellevue-Everett metropolitan area. This part of the state employed 22,810 registered nurses at an average salary of $82,520. Registered nurses with earnings in the 90th percentile made more than $112,320. Salaries in the 75th percentile were $95,960 or more. RNs with earnings in the 25th percentile earned less than $68,330, and those in the tenth percentile made under $58,950. The cost of living in Seattle is about 22 percent higher than the national average.
Bellingham has the lowest average RN salary in Washington recorded by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The average annual salary for registered nurses in this city was $60,080. The 90th percentile earned at least $81,160, and the 75th percentile earned at least $70,990. The 25th percentile eared as little as $47,730, and the 10th percentile earned as little as $42,490. The cost of living in Bellingham is seven percent higher than the national average.
- https://www.forbes.com/places/wa/seattle/
- https://www.forbes.com/places/wa/bellingham/