Utah RN Salary - How Much Do RNs Make in UT?
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Utah employed 18,550 registered nurses as of May 2018. The average RN salary in Utah at that time was $60,090 per year or $28.89 per hour. This is lower than the national average of $65,470 for this occupation. The cost of living in Utah, according to the Missouri Economic Research and Information Center, is about 9 percent below average for the United States.
Registered nurses in Utah were paid a wide range of salaries in 2018. Those in the 90th percentile, or the ten percent of RNs with the highest salaries, earned $76,050 or more. The 75th percentile made $69,140 or more. Those in the 25th percentile earned $51,450 or less, and those in the 10th percentile earned $44,740 or less. The median annual salary for RNs in this state was $59,040.
Salt Lake City had the highest average RN salary in Utah at the time when this data was collected. This city employed 9,980 RNs in 2018, which is more than half of the total registered nurses employed in this state. The average RN salary in Salt Lake City was $62,170. Those with earnings in the 75th percentile made $70,950 or more, while those with earnings in the 25th percentile made $53,330 or less. The cost of living in Salt Lake City is about four percent higher than the national average, with a median home price of $194,800.
The lowest average RN salary in Utah can be found in the Logan area, which also encompasses part of Idaho. This area employed only 610 RNs in 2018. The average salary for registered nurses in Logan was $55,500. Salaries for this occupation ranged from under $42,000 to more than $71,970. The cost of living in Logan is about 12 percent below the national average.
- https://www.forbes.com/places/ut/salt-lake-city/
- https://www.forbes.com/places/ut/logan/