
Idaho RN Salary - How Much Do RNs Make in ID?

According to May 2018 statistics provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Idaho employs approximately 12,150 registered nurses. The average annual RN salary in Idaho is $58,980, which equates to about $28.36 per hour. This is below the national average of $65,470 per year. In this state, registered nurses with earnings in the top tenth percentile earned $77,150 or more during this year. Those above the 75th percentile earned $69,530 or more. Registered nurses with salaries below the 25th percentile earned $50,760 or less, and those with earnings in the bottom tenth percentile earned under $43,040.

The Boise City-Nampa metropolitan area employs more registered nurses than any other part of the state. As of May 2018, there were 5,700 RNs working in this area, or approximately half of those employed in Idaho. The median annual salary in this area is $60,280. This is slightly above the state average.The city with the highest RN salary in Idaho is Coeur d’Alene. This city’s average registered nurse salary was $65,630, or about $31.55 per hour, in 2018. This is higher than both the average for the state and the average annual earnings for RNs nationally.

The lowest-paying cities in Idaho for registered nurses are Idaho Falls and Lewiston with average annual earnings of $54,860 and $57,210 as of 2018. According to Forbes, the cost of living in Idaho Falls is about 12 percent below the national average, and in Lewiston it is about eight percent below the national average. That being said, Lewiston was reported to have negative job growth in 2012 and Idaho Falls was reported to have very little. Idaho Falls employed 1,050 RNs in 2018, and Lewiston employed only 690. While the lower cost of living may make up for a lower average salary, RNs who with more experience and education might have a higher earning potential.

