Massachusetts RN Salary - How Much Do RNs Make in MA?
The state of Massachusetts employs 79,720 registered nurses, according to the most recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). In May of 2018, at the time when this data was recorded, the median RN salary in this state was $79,880. This equates to about $38.40 per hour. RNs with earnings in the top 25 percentile here earned $100,950 or more, while those in the bottom 25 percentile made under $64,440. On average, Massachusetts RNs are paid more than others across the country. The national average salary for this occupation was $65,470 in 2012.
The Boston-Cambridge-Quincy, MA NECTA Division employs the fifth highest number of RNs among metropolitan areas in the United States. This area employed 42,690 registered nurses, or roughly half of those in the state of Massachusetts, in 2018. The median salary for this area was above the average RN salary in Massachusetts at $84,400. Salaries here ranged from below $54,490 to upwards of $135,200 per year. These earnings are offset by the high cost of living in this area. Forbes estimates that the cost of living in the Boston area is about 20 percent above the national average.
Worcester is the next highest paying metropolitan area in the state. This area encompasses some of Connecticut, and employed 6,530 RNs in 2018. The median annual salary in Worcester was $83,080 at the time when this data was collected. This is also higher than the average RN salary in Massachusetts as a whole. RNs with salaries above the 75th percentile in this city made more than $120,260. Those with salaries below the 25th percentile earned less than $66,490. Worcester is also a much more affordable area to live in than the Boston area. The cost of living here is just slightly above the national average.Massachusetts nurses should take cost of living into account when considering salaries. Though some areas of the state are relatively affordable, others are expensive. RNs can increase their earning potential by continuing education and becoming more experienced in the field.
- https://www.forbes.com/places/ma/boston/
- https://www.forbes.com/places/ma/worcester/