Vermont RN Salary - How Much Do RNs Make in VT?
Vermont employs 6,710 registered nurses according to May 2018 data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. At that time, the average RN salary in Vermont was $63,260 per year, or $30.41 per hour. This is only slightly less than the national average of $65,470. It should be noted, however, that the cost of living in Vermont is 20.5 percent higher than the national average. This combination of a lower salary and higher cost of living could make it more difficult for RNs here than in other parts of the country.
The median RN salary in Vermont is less than the mean at $61,440. Salaries in the top ten percent for this occupation are greater than $86,410 and those in the top 25 percent are greater than $73,570. Registered nursing salaries in the bottom 25 percent are less than $51,710 and those in the bottom ten percent are less than $44,440. To maximize their earnings potential, RNs should pursue as much continuing education as possible. While a bachelor’s degree is not required for most registered nurses, obtaining a bachelors or even a masters in their field can greatly increase their salary potential.
The Burlington-South Burlington area has the highest RN salary in Vermont. This part of the state employs 2,510 registered nurses. The average annual salary here is $66,450. Salaries above the 75th percentile are more than $79,760 while those below the 25th percentile are less than $54,930. Though salaries are higher here, the cost of living is higher as well. Burlington’s cost of living is 14.9% higher than the national average, or 4% higher than the state average. The cost of living in South Burlington is even greater. Here, the cost of living is 22.1% more than the national average, or 11.2% higher than the state average.
The area with the lowest average RN salary in Vermont is the Northern Vermont nonmetropolitan area. This area contains over 150 small towns, cities, villages and census designated places. There are 1,190 RNs employed here according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The average RN salary in the Northern Vermont nonmetropolitan area is $58,070, or about $27.92 an hour. Those with salaries in the top ten percent make more than $75,860 and those in the top 25 percent make over $66,910. Those with salaries in the bottom 25 percent earn less than $47,590 and those in the bottom ten percent earn less than $40,370.