New Mexico RN Salary - How Much Do RNs Make in NM?
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), New Mexico employed 14,540 registered nurses as of May 2018. The average RN salary in New Mexico was $64,900, or about $31.20 per hour. RNs with earnings in the 75th percentile made more $73,760 or more, and those in the 90th percentile earned $86,180 or more. Registered nurses with earnings in the 25th percentile earned $54,930 or less, and those in the ten percentile made $49,530 or less.
The average RN salary in New Mexico is only marginally lower than the national average of $65,470. The vast majority of RNs in New Mexico are employed in Albuquerque. This city employed about 8,410 RNs as of May 2018. This is over half of the total number of RNs working in the state. The average salary for registered nurses in Albuquerque is $66,110. The cost of living in this city is about two percent below the national average.
The city with the next highest number of employed registered nurses is Las Cruces, which employed only1,080 registered nurses in 2018. Here, the average salary was $64,230. RNs with earnings in the 90th percentile made more than $88,460, while those with earnings in the 10th percentile earned less than $48,720. This area had the lowest average salary in the state, though the difference between this city and the others is small.
Registered nurses in New Mexico have some influence over their earning potential. Those with higher levels of education and experience might be paid higher salaries. In addition, some employers tend to pay more than others. Specializing and becoming certified in a specific area is another way in which to earn a higher salary.
- https://www.abq.org/cost-of-living/