North Dakota RN Salary - How Much Do RNs Make in ND?
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, North Dakota employed 7,750 registered nurses as of May 2018. At this time, the average RN salary in North Dakota was $56,030. This is below the national average of $65,470 per year for this occupation. The cost of living in North Dakota is almost exactly equal to the national average. This means that, despite lower than average salaries, it is not necessarily less expensive to live in this state.
The majority of the RNs in North Dakota are employed in the cities of Fargo and Bismarck. In 2018, the former employed 2,570 RNs and the latter employed 2,220. The average salary in Fargo was $57,560 per year or $27.67 per hour. Bismarck had the lowest average salary at $54,400 per year or $26.15 per hour. The cost of living in Fargo is about six percent below the national average, and that in Bismarck is about five percent below the national average.
The Grand Forks metropolitan area, which encompasses part of Minnesota, has the highest average salary in the state. RNs in this area made an average of $57,640. This part of the state employed 1,020 RNs as of 2018. Though the average salary here is still below the national average, the cost of living is about ten percent below the average for the country.
- https://www.forbes.com/places/nd/fargo/
- https://www.forbes.com/places/nd/bismarck/
- https://www.forbes.com/places/nd/grand-forks/