Michigan RN Salary - How Much Do RNs Make in MI?
Michigan employs approximately 91,840 registered nurses as of May 2018, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. At this time, the median RN salary in Michigan was $65,050 or about $31.27 per hour. Half of the nurses in Michigan earned between $55,460 and $73,890, though ten percent earned either above $86,080 or below $49,460. At $65,470, the national average salary for RNs is just above the median salary for this occupation in Michigan. This difference in salary is likely offset by the fact that the cost of living in Michigan is about five percent below the national average, according to 2018 statistics from the Missouri Economic Research and Information Center (MERIC).
A majority of registered nurses in this state work in one of the following two areas: The Detroit-Livonia-Dearborn Metropolitan Division or the Warren-Troy-Farmington Hills Metropolitan Division. In 2018, the former employed 19,380 RNs and the latter employed 21,110. The city with the third and fourth largest number of registered nurses were Ann Arbor and Grand Rapids-Wyoming, which employed 8,890 and 8,150 RNs. The rest of these professionals are dispersed throughout the state.
The Warren-Troy-Farmington Metropolitan Division had the highest average salary in the state, with a mean annual salary of $70,930 in 2018. Salaries in the 75th percentile were $79,380 or more and those in the bottom 25th percentile were under $60,800. The median annual salary was $69,340 at this time. Ann Arbor was not far behind in terms of salaries. RNs here earned a median annual salary of $68,290 in 2018.
The Holland-Grand Haven area has the lowest average salary in Michigan. In May of 2018, the median salary in this area was $56,430. Half of the RNs here earned between $50,330 and $64,040 per year, with only ten percent earning $71,130 or more.
- https://meric.mo.gov/data/cost-living-data-series