Hawaii RN Salary - How Much Do RNs Make in HI?
Hawaii is a tropical paradise where many dream of living. Settling in the Hawaiian Islands is not without its price, however. At $85,840 per year as of 2018, the median RN salary in Hawaii is high compared to the national average of $65,470. This might not offset the extremely high cost of living in this state, though. The Missouri Economic Research and Information Center (MERIC) ranks Hawaii as the most expensive state in which to live. MERIC states that, in 2018, the cost of living in Hawaii was about 57 percent higher than the national average. It should come as no surprise that enjoying this state’s picturesque scenery and many attractions would come at a premium. The price of many consumer goods is also high, contributing to the cost of living, because many of these products must be imported to the islands.
Hawaii employed 10,300 registered nurses as of May 2014, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS). Many of these professionals, about 7,850, worked in Honolulu. The remaining RNs are spread throughout the Hawaii-Maui-Kauai nonmetropolitan area. Those who work in Honolulu are paid higher salaries on average than those in other parts of the state.
The RN salary in Hawaii varies greatly. Having a solid education and additional certifications can help nurses to maximize their earning potential. Experience is also an important factor. Ten percent of RNs in this state earn $114,640 or more, though 25 percent make $70,330 or less per year. The RN salary in Hawaii for Honolulu is higher than other parts of the state. This is appropriate for the higher cost of living in this area. In Honolulu, the average RN salary is $90,970 compared to the mean salary of $74,680 for the Hawaii/Maui/Kauai nonmetropolitan area. Honolulu RNs with salaries at the top tenth percentile made more than $116,090 as of May 2018. RNs with earnings in the bottom ten percent made under $62,440. In the Hawaii/Maui/Kauai nonmetropolitan area, RNs in the top tenth percentile made over $94,720 while those in the bottom tenth percentile made less than $45,040.
- https://meric.mo.gov/data/cost-living-data-series
- https://www.bls.gov/ooh/Healthcare/Registered-nurses.htm
- https://www.bls.gov/oes/tables.htm#29-0000