
Mississippi RN Salary - How Much Do RNs Make in MS?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Mississippi employed 27,590 registered nurses in May of 2018. The average annual RN salary in Mississippi was $56,530 at this time. This equates to about $26.41 per hour. This is significantly lower than the national average for this occupation, which was $65,470 in 2012. This may be due in part to a much lower cost of living. According to the Missouri Economic Research and Information Center (MERIC), Mississippi was ranked the most affordable state in 2018.

The majority of nurses in Mississippi work in the Memphis area which also encompasses parts of Tennessee and Arkansas. At the time when the BLS data was recorded, about 11,650 nurses were employed in this area at an average annual salary of $59,860. This is slightly higher than the Mississippi average. The cost of living in this area is about 15 percent below the national average.

Mississippi RNs earn a broad range of salaries, depending on their education, experience level, and employer. In 2018, RNs in this state with earnings in the 75th percentile made $66,320 or more, and those with earnings in the 90th percentile made $76,260 or more. With a median salary of $54,920, RNs with salaries in the 25th percentile made $45,540 or less. Those with earnings in the bottom tenth percentile made $39,850 or less.The highest average registered nursing salary in Mississippi can be found in Jackson. In this area, the average annual salary was $61,780 in 2018. Those in the 75th percentile earned $73,570 or more, while those in the 25th percentile earned $46,650 or less. The median annual salary for RNs was $58,660. The cost of living in Jackson is about five percent below the national average.

The lowest metropolitan RN salary in Mississippi can be found in Hattiesburg. This city employs about 1,990 registered nurses at an average salary of $53,520. Even some nurses with earnings in the 75th percentile, beginning at $62,190 made less than the national average. Those with earnings in the 25th percentile made $45,020 or less. The median salary for RNs in Hattiesburg is slightly higher than the mean at $54,060. According to Forbes, the cost of living in this area is about eight percent cheaper than the national average, and the average home price is $96,800.


  • Cost of Living Data<