LPN to BSN Programs in New Mexico

New Mexico LPN to BSN Program

The average salary of a nurse in New Mexico is approximately $13 to $21 an hour. The salary that is earned as a nurse will depend upon how much experience the nurse has, who the employer is, and what degree the nurse holds. Nurses that hold an advanced nursing degree, such as a bachelor’s of science in nursing degree, can expect to make anywhere from $20 to $40 an hour. Individuals in the state of New Mexico who might be interested in pursuing an advanced nursing degree might be interested in taking part in an LPN to BSN program.

An LPN to BSN program is a college program designed for anyone who holds a current LPN certificate. This program allows nurses to build upon the knowledge and skills they learned as an LPN nurse and use it to earn an advanced nursing degree. The knowledge and skills learned as an LPN nurse can be used in a variety of ways with this college program. Nurses can choose to test out of basic nursing courses and move straight to advanced nursing programs, or they can use work experience towards the number of hours they need to put in for clinicals.

The ability to use previous experience and knowledge for this degree program allows nurses to complete a BSN degree program in half the time it would take to pursue a traditional BSN program. The average nursing student takes approximately four to six years to complete a traditional BSN program. A nursing student in the state of New Mexico can complete a BSN degree with the LPN to BSN program in approximately three to four years. This shorter span of time allows nurses to gain the knowledge they need and get back into the workforce as a skilled and trained nurse.

The requirements for entry into an LPN to BSN program are fairly simple. A prospective student must have a current and valid LPN certificate and they must have worked at least six months at a job where their nursing skills were needed. The prospective students must also complete the regular admission requirements for the traditional or online college. These admission requirements can include showing proof of a high school diploma or GED certificate, submitting ACT or SAT scores, and completing the admissions packet. All of these admission requirements must be met before a student can be considered for an LPN to BSN program in the state of New Mexico.

LPN to BSN Schools Near You & Online in New Mexico