LPN to BSN Programs in Wisconsin

Wisconsin LPN to BSN Programs

With the number of nursing jobs expected to continue to increase over the next 20 years, individuals who currently hold an LPN certificate in the state of Wisconsin are well positioned to take advantage of increased opportunities in the industry. Nurses who obtain a BSN degree after holding an LPN will have a number of additional job opportunities open up to them. Nurses with a bachelor of science in nursing degree can have a greater range of jobs from which to choose, earn a higher wage, and enjoy a greater degree of independence in their work. For these reasons, an individual who currently holds an LPN in Wisconsin might want to consider enrolling in an LPN to BSN program.

Because the LPN to BSN program is an accelerated college course in Wisconsin, individuals are able to complete a bachelor’s degree in nursing in a shorter amount of time when compared to the traditional route. While a traditional BSN program typically can be completed in four to six years, the LPN to BSN program can significantly reduce that amount of time to between three and four years. By making use of the knowledge and work experience an LPN has already acquired, this type of program enables students to complete the transition to a BSN much quicker.

When it comes to completing the LPN to BSN program, students in Wisconsin can take advantage of two options. Some of the required nursing courses could be available for testing out. With this option, students must successfully complete a test that demonstrates that they already possess the skills and knowledge that would otherwise be taught in the program. Another option that can reduce the amount of time this program takes is for the student to count work experience for some of the required clinical hours.

For those individuals who want to apply for an LPN to BSN program in Wisconsin, a few items must be submitted to the college they have chosen. Some of the basic items that must be submitted to every college include letters of recommendation, ACT or SAT scores, and a high school diploma or GED certificate. In addition to this basic information, individuals interested in this type of nursing degree must also submit a copy of their current LPN certificate that is specific to the state where the college is based. They will also need to submit proof of the employment within the nursing industry for six months or more.

LPN to BSN Schools Near You & Online in Wisconsin

Alverno College

  • 3400 South 43rd Street Milwaukee, WI 53234
    Programs: BSN, LPN to BSN, RN, RN to BSN
    (414) 382-6000