LPN to BSN Programs in Virginia

Virginia LPN to BSN Programs

The hourly wage that a nurse makes can vary depending upon a variety of factors. Factors such as where the nurse works, what part of Virginia the nurse works in, how experienced the nurse is and what degree the nurse holds will all play a factor in determining what hourly wage a nurse received. LPN nurses in the state of Virginia might want to consider enrolling in an advanced nursing program. Many online and traditional colleges offer a program known as an LPN to BSN program that allows nurses to earn their advanced nursing degree.

The LPN to BSN program is an accelerated nursing program that allows LPN nurses to earn their advanced nursing degree. The program is structured very similar to a traditional BSN program. The difference lies in the fact that the students can test out of basic nursing courses. Nursing students have the option to take a written test that allows them to test out of their basic nursing courses. This written test includes all the knowledge and skills a nurse will learn in the basic nursing courses. If the nurse passes the test they are exempt from taking the basic courses and move onto the advanced nursing course.

Nursing students in the LPN to BSN program are still expected to take part in traditional college courses. Courses such as English, social science, math and communications are all required for a student to earn a BSN degree. Many of these courses can be taken online, which allows nursing students to still keep their LPN jobs. The only requirement in regards to these courses is that a student needs to earn a 2.5 GPA in order to stay in the LPN to BSN program; anything lower than a 2.5 GPA and a student may face academic consequences, such as suspension from the program.

Nurses in the state of Virginia who wish to apply for the LPN to BSN program will find that the application process is no different than any other four year college program. Prospective students will be required to submit proof of a high school diploma or GED certificate. They will also be required to show proof of ACT or SAT scores and provide letters of recommendation. Nursing students will also be required to submit proof of a current and valid LPN certificate for the state of Virginia and proof that they held a job as an LPN nurse for at least six months.

LPN to BSN Schools Near You & Online in Virginia

Hampton University

  • 100 E. Queen St. Hampton, VA 23668
    Programs: Accelerated BSN, BSN, CNA, LPN to BSN, Nursing PhD, RN, RN to BSN, RN to MSN
    (757) 727-5000

Eastern Mennonite University

  • 1200 Park Road Harrisonburg, VA 22802
    Programs: BSN, LPN to BSN, RN, RN to BSN
    (540) 432-4000

Liberty University

  • 1971 University Boulevard Lynchburg, VA 24502
    Programs: Accelerated BSN, BSN, LPN to BSN, RN, RN to BSN
    (434) 582-2000

Norfolk State University

  • 700 Park Avenue Norfolk, VA 23504
    Programs: Accelerated BSN, ADN, BSN, LPN to BSN, RN, RN to BSN
    (757) 823-8600